| Nawigacja | |
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| Ostatnie Artykuły | |
| The characteristics of the association 'Victoria'' | |
We are an organization working for women in Poland, the PODKARPACKI Region. Our headquarters is located in. Our name is the Association for Women "Victoria". The activities of our organization are focused on women's issues. We obtain funds from various donors, including EU, and implement projects aimed primarily at women. We take part in the informal Coalition for Equal Opportunities. It is a platform bringing together non-governmental organizations working for human rights, promoting the principle of equality and non discrimination. Polish Society of Anti-Discrimination Law is the coordinator of the coalition. We also participate in the activities of the network "Equality and diversity - in practice", which focuses on improving the quality of cooperation between NGOs and public administration and the development of skills of members / kin of those organizations in the area of anti-discrimination education. We are spreading the idea of self-defense or self defense WENDO for women and girls in the Carpathian by organizing free workshops (2 per year on average since 2007). In this workshop for girls at secondary school in 2010-2011 and for the students of classes IV-VI of primary school in Lutoryżu. Our Association is also working on behalf of women, victims of domestic violence through legal assistance - psychological assistance during trials and on the way to leave the violence, becoming independent. In 2011, awarded more than 350 tips in this area. Currently implementing the project "worthy life" financed by the board which supports women victims of domestic violence not only legally, psychologically as well as the labor market. | | | | |
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Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Kobiet "VICTORIA", ul. 3 Maja 14 A 35-030 Rzeszów